White Grubs- Lawn Care Problems- Insect/Disease

We've been receiving calls from homeowners who believe they are having issues with grubs in their lawn already this season. White grubs are the larvae of several species of beetles. The adults do not feed on grass but may damage ornamental plants. Extensive damage occurs when grubs feed on grass roots in the top layer of soil, 1-3" below the crown. Best way to determine if grubs are present for sure, grasp the grass & lift. It will break away at the roots; almost rolls up like a rug.

Make sure you understand the life cycle of the insects that may be harming your lawn. Grubs are a very common insect pest, but there are many other insect profiles & lawn diseases that may be causing lawn problems.

For more information on how to control lawn grubs follow the link guide shared below. Be sure to continue following our page, or blog for more information on lawn care problems & solutions.